Demographic Information

Listed below is a database that documents various demographic variables and maps for variables that could be used together to indicate a high risk community. 

2014 Demographic Info by ZIP Code - A database of demographic information compiled from the American Community Survey in 2014, a survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau.  

2015 Demographic Info by ZIP Code - A database of demographic information compiled from the American Community Survey in 2015,  a survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau.

Nassau County Maps

High School Graduation Rate

College Graduation Rate

Hispanic Population Rate

Language Other than English Rate

Median Income

Poverty Rate

Public Assistance Rate

Unemployment Rate

Suffolk County Maps

High School Graduation Rate

College Graduation Rate

Hispanic Population Rate

Language Other than English Rate

Median Income

Poverty Rate

Public Assistance Rate

Unemployment Rate

Long Island Maps

Alcohol-Related Hospitalizations Rate

Drug-Related Hospitalizations Rate

Educational Attainment

Foreign Born Population

Non-Fatal Assault Hospitalizations Rate

Percent of Children

Percent of Older Adults

Poverty Rate

Rent Burden

Unemployment Rate