Working Together on Healthier Outcomes for Women and Children on Long Island

August 14, 2018

Healthy Women & Children on Long Island

In February 2016, the Long Island Health Collaborative hosted two Community-Based Organization Summits with representatives from local health organizations. Participants discussed a variety of health issues on Long Island but surprisingly, women’s and children’s health continued rising to the top of the conversation.

Discussing Women’s and Children’s Health in Suffolk County

During the summit, LIHC facilitated discussion and kept track of how often each topic was mentioned. 13.2% of quotes from participants fell into the Prevention Agenda category of Promoting Healthy Women, Infants and Children. Within this category of discussion, children’s health and maternity/mother health were mentioned most often.

Participants discussed the lack of adequate child care services, the need for nutrition education at home and more.

“And the other is that the mothers don't have adequate child care. We expect in this society that women should be working, and they have to work to make a living, but there is not adequate child care. All the services and all the programs are very good, we provide them, but it doesn’t link to the people who really need it. So that’s why we see so few of them attending those services.”
-Cornell Cooperative Extension

Women’s and Children’s Health in Nassau County

In Nassau County, 19.1% of quotations related to healthy women, infants and children, with most quotes about children’s health and maternity/mother health. The discussion in Nassau County touched on the need for more resources for women and caregivers so they can better care for their children and themselves.

“Mothers are often overburdened with the challenges associated with providing for their loved ones, which makes it difficult for them to find the time or resources necessary in which to take care of themselves or seek out preventive services. What we find is women are so used to taking care of everyone else. You really have to educate them, empower them, to take care of their own health before they help their family member and children. And that's ingrained in culture and it's hard to deal with.”
-Adelphi University, Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program

To learn more about the goals and facilitation of the Community-Based Organization Summit, check out our online resources.