How Can We Improve the Health of Individuals on Long Island?

June 20, 2018

Ways to Make Long Island Healthier

As part of our ongoing Long Island and Eastern Queens Community Health Assessment Survey, we asked Long Islanders what was needed to improve health of their communities. The answer they gave: healthier food choices plus cleaner air and water.

Overall, 15% of respondents to this survey chose “Healthier food choices” as a necessity within their communities, and 14% selected “Cleaner air & water.” At the Long Island Health Collaborative, we’re working with organizations to reach better health outcomes. If you’re looking for healthy eating ideas, check out our blog on how to live heart healthy, nutrition resources, or this great guide to maintaining a healthy diet while eating out.

What kind of educational services does your community need?

We also asked survey participants about what kinds of health screenings, education services, or information services they felt people on Long Island needed in their community. In Nassau County, the majority of people surveyed wanted blood pressure screenings/services, while in Suffolk people said mental health and depression screenings/services were most needed.

If you would like to learn more about where to get health screenings on Long Island, visit our online resources and list of local organizations.

And if you would like to share your own opinions on Long Island’s greatest health concerns, you can take the Long Island and Eastern Queens Community Health Assessment Survey.